To C Magazine 3 To Belong - Plek_1
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To C Magazine 3 To Belong Plek te downloaden
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Erbij Horen – To Belong – Plek – Place
This issue of the To C Magazine is about feeling we belong to a place, a city, a family, a group or not ... I don’t know about you but this longing is still keeping me busy. I do know I belong to Amsterdam, the city where I have been born and where I grew up, worked, learned, loved, had conflicts and where my family lives and has lived since 1600.
You can read more about in ‘Erbij Horen’. I had to write it in Dutch, I hope you succeed in finding a translation program if you are interested.
Writing can Connect as you can read in ‘Belonging to be’ by Julia Roddy and in ‘Tuning in to our full potential’ by C Writer Joanna Feldman. Julia lives in Northern Ireland, we don’t know each other personally but met during a Zoom conference for Gestalt therapists. We clicked because we read each other’s books. Joanna and I worked together since the early nineties. Joanna was born in Poland, immigrated with her parents to Israel when she was a teenager and came to live in Amsterdam with her husband. She and I entered a dialogue by writing to each other about a conflict in the group of the C Writers we are part of.
Most of the writing in this issue is from my hand. I feel grateful that by creating this magazine I gave myself a place where I belong. I love to share with you how I feel, what I see, what I believe is of interest. In fact for me it is about the beauty and the magic of the daily things. In the Russian Soul I tell how important my contact with Russian colleagues still is. I wrote it after seeing 5 of the 7 Sergey Tarkovsky films in Eye, that made me again aware how connected I feel. Orignally I wrote it in Dutch, the translation came later.
In the poem De Pont of Ronald M. Offerman you taste his love for this city of Amsterdam where he absolutely belongs.
The Piano Birthcake connects us with Gestalt colleague Niela Miller who celebrated becoming 85 years old.
I introduce Ėcriture Féminine: although French author Hélѐne Cixous is my age and although she writes about what is most dear to me, I had not heard of her till the lecture of Christa Stevens, organized by the Vrije Gemeente in Splendor on the 2nd of February 2020. Thanks to those two women I know now better why I had to write daily all those years and it is more clear to me that I had to create the To C Magazine to give me and you the chance to let our feminine voices be heard.
Het Kaakverhaal / The Story of a Jaw of C Writer Mijke Post reads as the beginning of a thriller. In this issue part 1.
In Forrest there are no words just pictures of photographer Sebastiaan van Wijk
Pen vol Inspiratie en Schrijven als Middel – To C Writing are about my Deepest Wish to create a C Writing Community or Circle who meets regularly.
There is a Free introduction in De Witte Kaap in IJburg Saturday 29 February 2020, 2-5 PM. I would feel honoured if you join!
Next page you find more details about the Content
Tine van Wijk, 11 february 2020