To C Magazine 8 Schrijven Writing_1
To C Magazine 8 gaat over allerlei vormen van Schrijven.
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You are free to download this new issue of the To C Magazine that focuses on Schrijven
Writing can be talking on paper
Writing can keep you sane
As a writer you are your own listener
As a writer you generate attention for you
As a writer you discover your inner wisdom
As a writer you can become autonomous
Writing is not difficult
It is a matter of having the courage
To sit down and do IT
As a writer you never feel alone
The deepest wish of a writer
Is to be received as he or she is
And to be received as you are
You have to give breath to your words
You have to speak them
Sing them, shout them
You have to stand up and enjoy
Being looked at, being listened to
Maybe connect with the spoken word artists
But will you? Do you dare?
Or can you do it in the privacy of your home
Feeling received all the same
Because you connect with your true self?!
This issue of the To C Magazine is inviting you to connect
with your own writer that is waiting to be heard