Quality Time To C
Commitment is my favourite C word
Without commitment my life would be empty and boring
I still remember the time before I found Gestalt
And believed that life was about finding that One other
That would make IT worthwhile
That one Other I could love with my whole heart
And of course he would love me as much…
Sometimes it happened but it never lasted it seemed
And when I look around me I see that I am not alone in this
In the image I see a hand pointing to what, to where, to whom?
The hand is surrounded by creatures, creations, projects…
The hand is blue. What I see must be all about me and you
I am that black eagle. And are you th at yellow figure with a split
The orange fish heading forward
The green whale swimming in the multicolored water
I am the face with the question mark
The nose that has an eye in it
The soup I swim in, my soup, is green
The color of the heart energy
The hand tells me: this way! Keep going!